- Kinder- & Jugendbücher - Judy and the Dog


  • Verlag: Verlag an der ESTE
  • Preis: EUR 2,95
  • ISBN: -
  • Alter:Für den ersten Lesespaß in Englisch – Klasse 3/4
  • Buch bestellen: Leseland


Judy loves her scooter - it's fun to ride! And Judy loves dogs, too. Her new friend is a little dog named Poppy. He can run as fast as the wind. One day, they find a boy, Max, sitting in the grass. "Oww!" he howls. "My scooter was all too fast. I fell off." His leg hurts. Of course, Judy helps him. And Poppy helps, too! After all, Judy and Max get to be friends. - Eine turbulente, bunt bebilderte Geschichte in großer Schrift, genau das Richtige für den ersten Lesespaß in Englisch. Mit einem Vokabelverzeichnis zum Nachschlagen.